Sunday, March 2, 2014

Star Wars, Marvel Minis Heroics DC - Package from US

Hi guys-Star Wars, Marvel Minis Heroics DC - Packege from US

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Hi all. You see what we have today today ? It is a great stuff. Some time ago a great girl from America contacted us and said that she would like to send some stuff for Sammie. I knew straight away that it is a good person. Her name is Stephanie and she lives in United States. Anyway a week ago Stephanie has sent a package and it came today's morning. When Sammie woke up he spotted a package and want to open it, but I told him that we gonna open it after the breakfast. Then Sammie couldn't wait to open it and he was holding the package even during the breakfast :) Anyway - after the breakfast we started to record a video. Sammie was very exited cos we didn't have any Idea what can be inside the package :) Just see this video to find out what we found. We are very grateful for the gifts and Sammie loves the toys and sweets. Of course we couldn't to open all the stuff in one time so we keep it for some other days :) We have found some american stuff : some Eggs, Some sweets etc Anyway we are very happy because we couldn't buy this stuff here in Europe.

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